Dear Valued Patrons, VPs and Club Members

Firstly, we would like to thank you for your continued support of our rugby club. Over many

years your support and membership has been invaluable in securing our position, providing

both a rugby and social focal point in the community. Since the EGM in early summer, the

club has been through a huge period of change, with the clubhouse put up for sale and hopefully

sold. It is with great pleasure that I write to you to update on some positive new developments.

The traditional committee format of the club has been restructured, in the hope of encouraging

more volunteers and helpers to come forward as we look to grow at Underhill and make a new

home for our players, members and volunteers. We have now settled on ‘steering group’

structure with 4 groups consolidating our efforts on the AWP/Underhill facilities, Club

administration, Business development and Rugby community: reporting to the directors and

club accountants. We have Richie Pugh, Steve Bolam, Lewis Francis and Richard Thomas

coordinating these activities with at least 5 members per group. The groups have been working

hard to prepare for the new season with our playing calendar, fixtures and social events

identified for new income streams, and relationship with the MCA and hub nearly finalised.

We hope to provide more positive and complete news in the AGM to be scheduled in


In terms of membership, we have simplified our approach and offering. With a slight change –

the non - playing membership options moving forward are the patron membership (£100 per

year), the re-named Mumbles Rugby Lottery membership (£5/month or £60 per year) and an

Outcasts donation (£25 per year) aimed at those Mumbles followers who are spread far and

wide across the globe. Some basic information on these slight changes:

1. The Patrons membership is the same as last season and since its inception. As an

invaluable source of income and friendship this is our highest membership. Patrons will

benefit from discounts at the hub, access to international tickets and invites to club

events including Dinner(s), Christmas carols and team related celebrations, as well as

access to club information through the newsletter and digital community.

2. The Mumbles Rugby lottery membership is the 100 club in all but name. In order to

appeal to a wider audience and give member benefits back through the prize draw

Lottery membership will now be our standard membership. Lottery cards will secure

discounts on match days, access to the prize draw and club information through the

digital community.

3. The Outcast membership is a simple method for alumni, past members and general

public who may not be in the Swansea area who still want to remain part of the club.

Outcasts will continue to have access to club news through the newsletter and online

digital community.

We are also about to launch an Alumni scheme where all past players are invited to join. For a

donation of up to £25 per year, our alumni will have a badge and formal recognition on our

playing kit for the new season and beyond. It is another example of finding ways for pastplayers of all ages to contribute to our community as we work toward a single kit and identity

for the whole club, from tots to seniors Men’s and Ladies teams.

Multiple memberships. Please note that Patron members can also join the lottery if they want

to. Many of you have done this previously. As an amazing contribution to the club, we would

always encourage these levels of contribution from everyone.

How to become a member. With the move to the hub and lack of focal point of the clubhouse,

we have now moved to set up multiple ways in which our members can sign up. We will retain

the original face to face sign up through me, Gareth, and my details are below. We will also

have volunteers at the hub on Thursday nights and game days (Saturdays and Sundays) through

the first half of the season. As well as this we also have electronic sign-up forms that can be

accessed through a website and/or QR link. Please see link below;

For those of you who want to continue paying by standing order or cash payments and cannot

access the electronic signatures, we are happy to support this process. With the new club

financial structure in place, the bank details are given here:

30-95-46 46829860

As ever thank you continuing to support the club and we look forward to settling at our new

home and building more member benefits and social opportunities, to enjoy our new facilities.

The Lottery draw will stay the same, with a tombola and names out the hat system to be drawn

once a month, from the start of the new season. We will rotate this around all teams and times

advertised through the WhatsApp and newsletter as appropriate. All winners and prizes will be

notified and advertised, as always.

Any feedback, questions and interest in getting involved – please do get in touch with me or

one of the steering group coordinators, whose names and details are listed below.

Kind regards

Gareth Bennett

Membership Coordinator, Mumbles RFC - 07757786731

Steering Group Contacts

AWP/Park – Richie Pugh, 07957466146

Club Administration – Steve Bolam,

Business Development – Lewis Francis, 07984976597

Rugby Community – Richard Thomas, 07890637740